Orders will be shipped using various delivery services depending on the destination, size and weight. The courier will be chosen based on our criteria to provide the best service. Unfortunately, delivery option is not available currently.
The delivery time varies depending on the destination. Generally, shipping will usually take approximately 3-7 business days.
Delivery time is not guaranteed as there are lots of factors affecting its. The above time is estimated by the postal service and does not include the processing time of the Customs in the destination. In some cases, the local Customs office of the destination may require additional documents and time to have the package cleared, and this may also cause further delay on the delivery.
Shipping Regions
Zone A: South Korea
Zone B: Hong Kong
Zone C: Taiwan
Zone D: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam
Zone E: Indonesia, Philippines
Zone F: Canada, United States of America
Shipping Rate
The shipping rate (US$) is calculated by weight and size, including the weight and size of the shipping box as well as the product.
Zone A:
Land Area: Jeju and other Island Area:
0 – 2 kg $7 $8
2 – 5 kg $8 $10
Zone B:
0 – 1 kg $4
1 - 1.5 kg $5
1.5 - 2 kg $5.5
2 - 2.5 kg $6.5
2.5 - 3 kg $7
Zone C:
0 – 1 kg $6.5
1 - 1.5 kg $8
1.5 - 2 kg $10
2 - 2.5 kg $11.5
2.5 - 3 kg $16
Zone D:
0 – 1 kg $19
1 - 1.5 kg $22
1.5 - 2 kg $24.5
2 - 2.5 kg $27.5
2.5 - 3 kg $30
Zone E:
0 – 1 kg $21
1 - 1.5 kg $24.5
1.5 - 2 kg $28
2 - 2.5 kg $31.5
2.5 - 3 kg $37
Zone F:
0 – 2 kg $54
2 – 4 kg $68
Free Shipping
South Korea (except Jeju and Island Area) and Hong Kong (except Outlaying Island): Free non-refundable shipping for Orders with total amount over US$65 (after discount).
Customs and Duties
Customer will be responsible for handling import duties and taxes incurred by the international shipments, and the cost is not covered in payments you made to us. These charges, if applicable, are determined and charged by the Customs office of the destination. For further details of charges, please contact your local Customs office directly.
Penalty Fee
In case the package is returned to our warehouse due to customer's failure to receive, refusal to receive, or pick up the package, customers will be charged for a penalty fee (original shipping fee + return shipping fee + tariff if applicable) which is significantly higher than the shipping fee you originally paid. The penalty fee varies depending on the country and will be notified individually.
In case of delivery delay, please contact our Customer Service team at